Key Result Indicator: KRI

Photo Jan Bond MSc
Author: Jan Bond MSc
Senior KPI Consultant & Interim CFO
Table of Contents

In addition to (key) performance indicators, financial indicators and process indicators, you can perform measurements in the form of Key Result Indicators (KRIs). This type of indicator shows performance in a company’s key performance areas . The score on the KRIs is highly dependent on the scores on the individual organizational KPIs . The crux of a higher profit (KRI) or more satisfied customers (customer satisfaction KRI) lies in jointly discussing, understanding and improving your KPI processes. From high to low, from left to right in the organization. Everyone needs to get a really good understanding of how you make your money.

What is a KRI?

A Key Result Indicator is the end result of many activities and efforts in the entire organization. The score of the most important KRIs reflects the ups and downs of everything. A definition:

A Key Result Indicator indicates on one important aspect whether the organization (and the management) is functioning properly.

It is crucial that a company’s management and shop floor understand the ways to improve the score on a KRI.

The most important KRIs of any organization

  1. Profitability: The financial health of your organization.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: How happy are your customers to be doing business with you?
  3. Employee Satisfaction: Are your employees happy to be working for you and your customers?
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS): Is your organization socially responsible and environmentally conscious?

Effectively influencing Key Result Indicators

How can you positively influence these four results as a company? What drives your results? And what’s under the hood? Which parts are performing well, and which ones aren’t? Under your organization’s hood are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). They instantly show you how the engine is performing, where it stalls, and what else you could improve, so that you can improve all your KRI scores.

The SMART KPI Toolkit

If you need help determining your company’s KPIs, check out our SMART KPI Toolkit. You’ll learn about how to find genuine KPIs for your company, which will in turn affect your KRIs.

to the SMART KPI Toolkit

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Photo Jan Bond - Senior KPI Consultant & Interim CFOJAN BOND MScSenior KPI Consultant & Interim CFO

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