What does a Tableau specialist do: the developer who focuses on storytelling & analytics

Photo Thomas Abramse
Author: Thomas Abramse
Senior Tableau Specialist

Data growth is creating new roles

There has been an exponential increase in the amount of data available over the past few years, driving a commensurate rise in the demand for data-related skills and competencies in business. This trend has led to the emergence of new roles, such as Tableau specialist and Tableau developer. Passionned Group is an expert in BI tools, and our interim specialists can provide expert guidance to help you implement Tableau effectively. New tools and developments in programming languages like R, Python, and Knime have expanded possibilities in data analysis. However, these tools are less flexible when it comes to data visualization. You can find out which tools are best suited to your organization in the BI & Analytics Guide 2025.

The Tableau specialist & data analytics

Tableau is one of the leaders in our independent research. Tableau’s success can be attributed to its user interface, which focuses on self-service data analytics. The emphasis is on customer-oriented thinking: let the end user get to work analyzing and visualizing data. Tableau makes it relatively easy to create both simple and complex data visualizations. The million-dollar question is: how can you implement this as effectively and efficiently as possible? The Tableau specialist supervises organizations and teams in designing self-service analytics.

Data-driven business

Many companies find it difficult to generate insights based on data. Without these insights it’s hard, if not impossible, to implement improvements supported by data. But there are companies that actively steer using data. We call this data-driven working. At Passionned Group, we believe that data-driven working is an essential aspect of any intelligent organization.

Tableau developers focus on storytelling

You need several things to manage your business based on data: knowledge, competencies, tools, and data. Tableau specialists focus on:

  • visualizing data effectively;
  • applying data storytelling;
  • independently advising stakeholders.

The Tableau developer works closely alongside the BI manager, BI consultant, Data Scientist, Data Architect, Business Analyst, and of course the stakeholders.

Valuable insights with Tableau developers

As soon as there is data present, the Tableau developer can start visualizing it. However, the quality of this data is instrumental in determining the value of the visualization. The rule of thumb is garbage in, garbage out. That’s why it’s important to safeguard data quality. This is typically the job of the data architect or data steward. As soon as the Tableau specialist has visualized data that proves (or seems) to be incorrect, it will be communicated to the responsible parties.

Data visualization on a whiteboard

Data can be visualized in various ways. Consider, for example, a report, graph, map, or timeline. This can be done on paper, on a whiteboard, in Excel, as a presentation, an animation, or a dashboard. Besides the type of visualization and method of presentation, there are many more possibilities when it comes to visualization: color, format, shape, etc. In short, there’s lots to consider when creating high-quality data visualizations. Our Tableau specialists know the tricks of the trade like no others.

Implement self-service analytics with a Tableau developer

Self-service analytics are a part of Business Intelligence. The goal of self-service analytics is to ensure that employees and teams can create reports and visualizations independently. When everyone starts working with data, a data-driven culture can begin to flourish. Then, the organization can become more aware, flexible, and work smarter.

Implementing self-service analytics is generally paired with user-friendly tools that are suited to basic analysis. These tools can provide relatively simple insights into underlying data and trends. In other words: these tools are focused on the average user, rather than the experienced data scientist or programmer. Tableau is considered a market leader in this segment. For more information about the market positions of various BI Tools, take a look at our BI & Analytics Guide.

The Tableau specialist knows the pros and cons

As described above, Tableau is a data visualization tool focused on self-service analytics. But what makes Tableau unique? What are the reasons to work with Tableau? The Tableau specialist knows how to handle the pros and cons of this tool like no other.

The pros of Tableau:

  • A very user-friendly interface, allowing business users to easily and quickly get started analyzing and visualizing data.
  • Simple and open licensing structure. There is a personal and a professional edition. The difference is the amount of data sources that can be linked. The personal edition enables users to make their own reports and dashboards. It’s also possible to share visualizations on a server or in the cloud using a Tableau server or Tableau Online, but this service costs extra.
  • Tableau’s rapid growth makes them a competitor to the established order in the field of BI software.
  • Tableau has built up an active community over the last few years. You can get extra support through their forums, Tableau Public, or their instructional videos.

The cons of Tableau:

  • Tableau has grown a lot over the past years. Fast growth often comes with growing pains, and Tableau is no exception. The accompanying challenges can be seen in the market.
  • The tool is focused on business users. The disadvantage is that some data visualization functionality is missing. Because of this, organizations sometimes purchase multiple BI products.
  • The application of self-service analytics stimulates users to focus on data-driven working. The danger is the amount of reports and visualizations getting out of control. When implementing Tableau, it’s important to consider data governance and architecture.
  • Tableau can be linked to several different data sources. You can establish connections with Excel, JSON, Odata, Hadoop, mySQL, SalesForce, Microsoft SQL Server, and many more. The downside is that not all connections work the same way. Some of them work poorly.

Do you want to hire a Tableau specialist?

Tableau specialists can be hired through various agencies, but Passionned Group sets itself apart by only working with highly experienced data visualizers. Our specialists possess strong communication skills in addition to being experts at using Tableau’s tool set. If you place a request with us for an interim specialist, we’ll contact you within 24 hours.

Questions about our Tableau developers & specialists?

Do you have any questions about hiring a Tableau specialist or developer? Or do you want to increase your knowledge, but you’re not sure how? Do you have a question about Business Analytics in general? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

About Passionned Group

Logo Passionned Group, the expert in Tableau SpecialistPassionned Group is a leading firm in designing and implementing Business Analytics. Our senior Data Scientists and consultants assist both large and small companies in becoming smarter enterprises. Every two years we organize Dutch BI & Data Science Award™.

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Our Tableau specialists

Photo Thomas Abramse - Senior Tableau SpecialistTHOMAS ABRAMSE MScSenior Tableau Specialist
Photo Daan van Beek - Managing DirectorDAAN VAN BEEK MScManaging Director